Make Arts Policy!

For the first time in Finland, Make Arts Policy! Summit presented an evening of choreographed debates between politicians, artists, cultural producers, and policy makers. The Summit was a new artistic format that used a strategy of discursive performance where politicians and artists performed on the same stage.

Representatives of ten Finnish political parties disclosed their proposed art policy for the 2015 elections. Their presentation followed the rules of the performance set by Public Movement, the conductor of the evening.
Drawing from the aesthetics and choreography of official state event, the summit included experts’ room, short performances, music and refreshments.

Make Arts Policy Summit was set as a service that utilized a theatrical performance setting as means for impacting the political. It is a new step in understanding the role of artists in the arena of politics.
Make Arts Policy! included the production of 3 artworks that researched the artist as an entity that participates in designing the political discourse:

nadaproductions: Federal Ministry of Movement Affairs (BMfB)

Alexandra Pirici: Turning monument

Minna Henriksson: Politiikan taide

Towards spring 2015 a concise booklet about Make Arts Policy! Summit, will be published and hopefully will help the Finish voter in his/her decision.

Presented by: Baltic Circle, Checkpoint Helsinki and Public Movement

Make arts Policy! curatorial team: Baltic Circle artistic director Eva Neklyaeva, visual artist, and Checkpoint Helsinki Board member Terike Haapoja, curator Satu Herrala, producer spokeswoman Eeva Bergroth and Public Movement director Dana Yahalomi

  • Noora Geagea
  • Noora Geagea
  • Noora Geagea
  • Noora Geagea
  • Noora Geagea
  • Noora Geagea
  • Noora Geagea
  • Noora Geagea
  • Noora Geagea
  • Noora Geagea
  • Noora Geagea


Cake and shouting applause: The Make Arts Policy event is the freshest thing happened in Finnish culture policy since ages

Yesterday the Make Arts Policy Summit organized at the city hall, married politics and performance in an exhilarating way…

The event produced by the Baltic Circle theatre festival, Checkpoint Helsinki and Public Movement, demanded politicians of ten parties to make concrete cultural political openings and to throw themselves into the situation.  For the full translation: Helsingin Sanomat 11- English translation

Helsingin Sanomat

