National Collection
Public Movement regards the Museum as an arena where civic behavior in public space is molded according to the ideals of a democratic society. National Collection examined the Museum as a site and set of activities through which national and cultural identity are defined.
National Collection includes "Rescue", based on the action "Emergency", that was created by Omer Krieger and Dana Yahalomi.
Ostrovsky Family Fund
Ministry of Culture and Sport - Culture Administration
Friends of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art in Israel
Barbara Toll/The Evelyn Toll Family Foundation
Israel Lottery Council for Culture and Arts
The Philip and Muriel Berman Foundation
MGS Sport Trading Ltd.
Public Movement Director: Dana Yahalomi
National Collection Co-Conceptualizer: Alhena Katsof
Curator: Ruti Direktor
Consultant and Deputy Director: Gali Libraider
Public Movement Members: Ma'ayan Choresh, Laura Kirshenbaum, Adili Liberman,
Gali Libraider, Meshi Olinky, Moshe Shechter Avshalom
New Members: Nadav Eilon, Mor Gur-Arie, Danielle Shoufra
Debriefing Session ll Agents: Hagar Ophir, Nir Shaouloff
Independence Hall Guides: Johnny Reves, Uri Smama, Ohad Weber
Project Manager: Adi Nachman
Training Manager: Carmel Bar
Studio Manager: Lihi Levy
Laundry Managing: Rami Heuberger
Extended Team:
The Committee: Amit Drori, Jackie Shemesh, Saar Szekely, Tal Yahas
Space and Objects Design: Samuel Ben Shalom
Public Movement Anthem: Yammi Wisler
Co-creator of Debriefing Session: Alhena Katsof
Research Debriefing Session ll: Hagar Ophir
Texts: Deakla Keydar
Head of Documentation: Kfir Bolotin
Debriefing Session ll Translation: Michal Shalev
Vocal Training: Yaniv Baruch
Museum Team:
Assistant curator: Galit Landau-Epstein
Project Management Officer: Raphael Radovan
Assistant to the Project Management Officer: Iris Yerushalmi
Graphic designer: Shlomit Dov
Hebrew editor: Sigal Adler-Strauss
English version: Tamar Fox
Installation and hanging: Yaacov Gueta
Lighting: Lior Gabai, Haim Beracha, Asaf Menachem, Yoni Aharoni, Itay Dobrin
Framing: Tibi Hirsh
Restoration: Dr. J. Doron Lurie, Maya Dresner, Klara Kralova-Eyal, sarita Marcus, Noga Schusterman
Production assistants: Shelly Uzant, Natalie Tiznenko

Trying to historicize the work of Public Movement, one could argue that, if Marcel Duchamp invented a new form of art making, Guy Debord turned commercial material into cultural criticism, and Sherrie Levine re-photographed photographs by male photographers, Public Movement appropriates, incorporates and re-contextualizes choreographies, flags, uniforms, and anthems. In other words, I would define their movements as post-readymade, détournement-like and after-appropriative.
Artnet / Nicola Trezzi
Public Movement’s work is inspired by and evokes specific historical moments or contemporary polemics which Public Movement revisits or investigates.
The Creators Project /Tel Aviv Museum of Art / Public Movement: National Collection